These are the things we currently make. We've also been asked about making a blog similar to the wedding/engagement blog but for family reunions/high school reunions/missionaries/ parties/showers/etc. Etsy shop and website headers and avatars can be done also. Anything you can think of, you got it. That's what makes blogging so fun is that you can customize a blog about anything and everything. If there's something you want that you don't see here -let me know! I love a new challenge!!
*Gift Certificates*
We offer Leelou Gift certificates are available in any amount. If you'd like to get your hands on one just send us an email!
*Pre-made layouts*
-pre-made header
-matching background
-these headers come pre-made and can be altered to add your personal pictures, family name, quote, etc. These offer you a custom look for great price. Plus, they can be personalized and sent to you super quick!
*Leelou Membership*
-With the membership you get to pick 5 pre-made layouts at any time during the year for your blog. You can get a different look for each season, occasion, holiday or just because
-You will have your header customized with your family name/saying and picture! In addition to our current pre-made headers, we will put up at least 3-5 new pre-made headers a month for you to chose from. We make more during each holiday.

*Custom Header & Background*
-Custom Header
-matching Background
-includes the cost of Memory Mixer paper & embellishment pack

*Bits & Pieces*
-up to 5 sidebar icons
-custom header
-choice of 1, 2 or 3 column layout
-includes the cost of Memory Mixer paper & embellishment pack
-matching background

*Bells & Whistles*
(Usually for business blogs)
-optional Navbar (blogger search bar located at the very top of blogs. This can be removed to make the blog to look more professional and like a website)
-unlimited sidebar icons
-custom header
-link button
-choice of 1, 2 or 3 column layout
-includes the cost of Memory Mixer paper & embellishment pack
-10 istockphoto credits ( is where we purchase or images and illustrations)
-horizontal link bar
-matching background

*Link Button*


*2nd column*

*3rd column*

**Installation for any service is free of charge!**

I want your blog to be completely custom, completely unique and completely YOU! I know other blog guru's charge up to $449. (I actually saw a blog the other day that charged $1400-$2500 for blog designs-Yowsa!!) I love their designs, but am way to poor/cheap to pay for them. Plus, I love having a completely one of a kind look that no one else has. Hopefully my homemade designs are a good alternative that will give you the same custom look on a Wal-Mart budget :)


Care said...

I love all your creations! I am really interested in having you help me. Question - Do I have to create a brand new blog or can you transfer the header, etc. to my existing blog?

Carrie Grubb

Anonymous said...

I love all your blog designs! You're amazing! I've been using Popcorn Popping which I LOVE. But my niece just started using it too. So, now I think I might be ready for a custom LeeLou creation. But I don't think I have that clear of an idea of what I want. Is that okay?

Unique Gowns said...

I love your blog designs.... I can't wait to see what you will create for my blog...:-) Dana

Cadie said...

I am intersted in your a custom creation.. :)

Anonymous said...

Can you take a look at my blog and make some recommendation. I'm glad I found your page because I really like what you've put together so far.

BenTheRotti said...

Hi, we would love you to create us a custom layout but we are not sure which package we need. I wonder if it would be possible for you to take a quick look at my blog and suggest to me which package would suit my needs. My e-mail address is on my profile.

Many thanks and kind appreciation,

Ben xx

Be Brave, Keep Going said...

Hi! I am also interested in a custom blog design and layout. Can you take a quick look...I also sent an email to leeloublogs....let me know!

Unknown said...

I am so thrilled with the blog that you designed for me at I have recieved many compliments from friends for it! I will be contacting you in the future for more designs. Thanks

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